Seasoning is the reduction of moisture content of timber to that of the-surrounding air -
Sydney area approx. 12.3%.Timber is seasoned to dry out the timber to bring it to a usable and workable condition.
More than half the weight of freshly cut timber consists of moisture or sap. Before the
timber can be used a large part of the moisture must be removed.
Reasons for Seasoning
Air - natural circulation of air around & through timber stacks. --- Time - 3-9 months,
sometimes years.
- Kiln - forced drying of timber stacks in large containers called kilns - Time 1-3 weeks.
- Combination of Air & Kiln - combines advantages of both air and kiln.
- Solar kilns – rely on solar energy to aid the drying process - Time 1-3 weeks
For more information on seasoning of timber go to Drying timber in Australia.Seasoned timber has many advantages over unseasoned timber, such as:
improved strength and hardness
- To prevent shrinkage, splitting, checking and warping.
- To achieve greater stiffness and strength.
- To allow penetration of preservatives
- To obtain a surface that will accept paint, polish or glue.
- To protect against decay.
Methods of Seasoning
Air Seasoning
The timber is stacked on foundations to keep it off
the ground. Strips of wood (about 38 x 19 mm) are
placed between the layers of boards to allow air to
circulate. Ends of boards may be painted to retard
drying and prevent splitting.
A waterproof covering is placed over the stack to
protect the timber from the sun and the weather.
Air seasoning is slow, taking up to a year for a piece
25 mm thick and considerably longer for thicker
pieces. But the timber produced is well suited to
outdoor work.
Kiln Seasoning
Seasoning defect
Defects in Timber
Quality drying of lumber depends on numerous
factors. This section describes some of the simpler
aspects of stacking that can be more readily implemented
and will yield immediate results.
Sticker Thickness
A common sticker thickness is 3/4 inch. The typical
thickness for stickers in industry can vary from 5/8 inch to
1 inch thick. It is unfortunate, however, that some individual
kilns will have even more variation. While variation
in sticker thickness at an operation isn’t a problem by
itself, it becomes a problem when the stickers of various
thickness appear in the same lumber course or same kiln
charge. The easiest way to avoid this problem is to have
only one sticker thickness and as near to 3/4 inch thick as
possible. By keeping only one sticker thickness, it is
impossible for stickers of various thickness to get mixed.
Sticker thickness is important because uniformly thick
stickers will block airflow during drying and result in warp
and nonuniform drying. Thick stickers can be resurfaced
to the target thickness, and thin stickers are best used at
the next hot dog and marshmallow roast, if there is no
wood-fired boiler.
Sticker Straightness
Crook and kink in stickers can often cause
problems in sticker feeding automatic stackers and also in
sticker alignment in semiautomatic or hand stacking.
Discard stickers with more than 3 inches of crook or kink
or 3 inches shorter than the width of the stack.
Bolster Thickness
Another common source of problems when stacking
lumber are the bolsters used between lumber stacks. As
was the case with sticker thickness, the chances also
increase for the lumber to warp if bolsters are of uneven
thickness. The uneven thickness of the bolsters can block
airflow in adjacent lumber stacks in a kiln. Some kilns that
have experienced airflow blockage have solved the
problem by using bolsters that are the same thickness in
both directions. It is important that the bolsters be nearly
the same length of the lumber stack, but a problem arises
when the rectangular bolsters are of uneven dimension in
the other two directions. Therefore, if a bolster is turned
the wrong way, this will have a similar effect as thick and
thin bolsters.
Sticker Placement
Stickers serve two main purposes. First, they separate
the courses of lumber so air can move through to dry
the lumber. Second, they distribute the weight of the
lumber vertically from top to bottom—through the
stickers and bolsters down to the kiln truck or load
supports. Stickers out of alignment, on edge or missing
can be costly to lumber quality by causing kink, twist, skitipped
ends and other forms of warp. Sticker alignment is
seldom perfect, especially with manual sticker placement.
The ideal is to have all stickers vertically aligned in a
column. The stickers should at least be placed so they
overlap the ones above and below.
If a sticker is missing, the courses above the space
will sag down into the open space. The weight of the
wood above bearing down on the unsupported board will
place a very large bending force on the board, causing it
and several boards above to warp. Stickers placed on
edge will have the same effect as thick stickers. The
board above will tend to warp or, in softer species, the
sticker may actually indent the board above and below
the turned sticker.
If a sticker is missing, the courses above the space
will sag down into the open space. The weight of the
wood above bearing down on the unsupported board will
place a very large bending force on the board, causing it
and several boards above to warp. Stickers placed on
edge will have the same effect as thick stickers. The
board above will tend to warp or, in softer species, the
sticker may actually indent the board above and below
the turned sticker.
Stickers should be within one sticker width of the end
of the stack. One primary purpose of the stickers is to
hold the boards flat. If either end sticker is significantly
removed from the pile end, there will be no support on
the lumber ends. This can lead to warp, twist, cup and
splitting of the unsupported ends. It is commonly stated
that an end split will extend up to the first point of good
sticker contact.
Board Placement in Packages
Timber stacking
Timber, before seasoning, should be stacked in yards free from weeds and debris.
The yard should have big shady trees to protect the timber from direct sun.
Ends of logs should be protected against splitting by applying anti-splitting
compositions and stacked on foundations in closed stacks in one or more layers.
Stacks should be protected against direct sun by providing a covering if needed.
Precautions to be Taken in Stacking Timber
Stacks of not more than 100 sleepers are recommended to be made
Poles are stacked either in closed heaps or with crossers. If stacked in
closed heaps, then there should be alternate layers of butt ends and of
top ends so that the two ends of the stack are level. Poles themselves
could be used as crossers, which should not be spaced more than three
Fence posts should be stacked in open crib fashion in which
successive layers of posts are at right angles to each other and there is
a gap of about 8 cm between adjacent posts in the same layer. Centre
to centre distance between crossers should not exceed 1.5 m and the
height of stack should not exceed 3 metres.
Horizontal stacking of sawn timber is done on vertical pillars of
treated timber, brick masonry or of cement concrete 30 cm square in
section and 30 to 45 cm high. The pillars are spaced 1.2 m centre to
centre along the length and the breadth of the stack. The length of
material to be stacked decides the length of stacking unit. Long beams
of cross-section 10cm × 10cm and above are placed on the foundation
pillars to form a framework for stacking timber.
Scantlings and squares should be stacked with crossers 5 cm × 4 cm
in section and spaced 2.5 m to 3 m apart. The ends should be
protected with moisture proof coatings.
Planks should be stacked on level platform with crossers of uniform
thickness and section, which should be in vertical alignment in a
stack. Longer planks should form the bottom of the stack and the
shorter one’s the top. Heavy wooden beams should be placed on the
top to prevent top layers from warping. A gap of about 2.5 cm should
be left between adjoining planks for free circulation of air in the
centre of stack. The stack should be protected against rain and sun by
providing a shed over it.
Type of stacking
Most Common Method of stacking
Suitable for All Forms Of Sawn Timber
From small Veneers To Big Poles
It vary with species , thickness of sawn material
And climatic condition of the locality.
Mainly used in rapid surface drying of non refractory wood The two precaution should be taken in vertical stacking @ the planks stacked for seasoning should be turned frequently at least twice a day expose both the sides to the sun otherwise warping may occur @ the lower of the planks should rest on some waste to prevent the fungal and insect attack and also prevent it from direct contact with the earth after partial drying better to stack in horizontal manner.
In this method, reduced air circulation slows down the pace of seasoning.
This method is recommended for staking heavy structured timbers like sal
in hot and dry localities.
This method is a modification of the close crib method and because of more
air circulation taking place it is more akin to the one and nine method in its
This method of stacking timbers is best suited for moderately heavy
coniferous timbers in hot climate and for heavy timbers in moist climates.
Timber has to be protected from the attack of insects, e.g. white ants etc., and
from internal decay due to dry and wet rots.
Perfect seasoning is the most effective means of preservation. Timber should be
so used that either it is wholly dry and well ventilated or is wholly under water. It
will not decay when kept under water but it will become soft and weak.
Proper damp proofing of the building and providing free circulation of air around
the built in portions of timber are essential for the preservation of the timber used.
However, when these conditions cannot be obtained then preservatives have to be
applied for preservation.
Timber should be well seasoned before the application of preservatives as
otherwise the preservatives would block the pores of timber thereby causing its
decay due to the entrapped moisture.
Direct contact with lime mortar should be avoided while using preservative with
Methods of Preservation of Timber
Following are some of the common methods of preservation adopted
(i) Charring
(ii) Tarring
(iii) Painting
(iv) Creosoting
(v) Wolman salt
(vi) Ascu treatment
(vii) Fire proofing of timber
Lower ends of the posts that are to be embedded in ground are generally
charred with a view to prevent dry rot and attack of worms. It is done by
quenching the ends of posts in water after they are charred on wood fire to a
depth of 1.5 cm.
It consists in coating with tar or tar mixed with pitch. Embedded portions of
timber fence posts, ends of door and window frames, battens and beams
built in wall are usually tarred. Tarring is not done in case of those portions
of structural members that are open to view, because of unsightly black
A paint when applied to timber acts not only as a good preservative but also
it enhances the appearance of the surface so treated. Only well seasoned
timber should be painted as otherwise the moisture entrapped in the timber,
because of the closing of timber bores by paint, would cause decay. Paints
however, protect seasoned timber against moisture thereby prolonging its